The Street Play Event
We're the voice of confidence,
The hurricane of dirt.
We're the wave that means businessThe cult of stubborns,
The speed of thunder, the gravity that shatters you to the floor.
We're rough, raw and wild.
We're the unconforming, the uncompromised.
We're the laughter of zealWe're the music of dawn,
We're the energy of the dusk.
We're the flight in your dreams,
We're the hope in the foul.
We're the elation that brightens the night.
We're the misfits.
We're the streets.
We've brought our drums
And here we are, calling you out.
Breaking all those stereotypes to fit in this unfitting world.
Street play has been an enthusiastic way to bring change through mental revolution
by encouraging acceptance of the so called “misfits”.
Rules and Regulations:
1. There will be two rounds- preliminary round and final round.
2. There is no team limit for the preliminary round.
3. The team limit for the final round is 25 members.
4. The preliminary round will be conducted at a public location which will be notified Later.
5. The team is required to perform their whole play for the preliminary round.
6. 10 teams will be selected for the final round to be conducted in our college premises.
7. The final round will be non-competitive.
8. Use of vulgar words or remarks is strictly prohibited.
9. All props are allowed.